You crest a hill and finally see it. Moedinar, your 2nd childhood home. A flood of mixed memories enters your mind. You stop and your...
Warmup: Justin I want you to pick the bond, flaw, personality trait, and ideal for a Tiefling artificer named Troaxiaus. Intro: Main Topic: Character Creation...
This is “How To Be A Better DM.” Thanks for listening to today’s show! This is Tanner, and I am excited to talk about how...
Warmup: Tanner: What would be the simple premise of a one-hour session you would plan for friends who hadn’t played D&D? Intro: Welcome back to...
You slash down the last of orcs that had ambushed you. This group had appeared out of nowhere apparently. You look around the shadowy thicket...
Common annoying d&d players and how to deal with them Warmup Intro Upcoming One-shot on the 25th Meat Justin The Player DM: This is me...
Welcome back to How to Be a Better DM. We have a great episode with Robert from Dungeons, Dragons & Psychology. Get Robert’s Book Session...
This is “How To Be A Better DM.” Thanks for listening to today’s show! This is Tanner, and I am excited to talk about how...
Warmup Describe the coolest water fight you can think of. Intro Welcome back to How to Be a Better DM Justin’s Favorite Sections Apparently endless...