Dungeon Master Essentials: 7 Tools Every DM Should have in their Dungeon


Tanner: What would be the simple premise of a one-hour session you would plan for friends who hadn’t played D&D?


Welcome back to How to Be a Better DM. I’m your host Tanner Weyland, here with my counterpart Justin Lewis. Together we are going to learn how to weave better stories for you and your players while you dungeon master sections of D&D 5e. We will walk you through the steps from someone who’s never played D&D to High-Level Dungeon Master. 

Before we get to today’s main topic, we have a couple of housekeeping items to go over.

First of all we want to send a huge thank you out into the digital waves of the internet to Anna Craven. Anna has played in our one-shots a couple of times and she has also sent Justin and myself an amazing gift! She’s hand-crafted notebook covers with the design of a dungeon on the front and back and created a very awesome Dungeon Journal. So far, Justin and I love these notebooks and want to say thank you so very very much! We’ll be posting a picture of them on our Instagram at how to be a better DM so you can see the fine craftsmanship. Thanks again Anna, we really appreciate it!

Next, another reminder that we are moving to a once-a-quarter schedule for our One-shots. The next one-shot will be held in September by myself. If you want to get in on it, sign up now. So far we have 2 slots with a tentative yes that will be confirmed soon. It’s first come first serve so make sure you come first.

Main Topic: Dungeon Master Essentials


  1. Water

Sitting at the DM table can get very tiring especially if you aren’t properly hydrated. You spend the entire session talking so naturally, you’ll need some water. I’ve found that water is the best choice. While other beverages can have better taste, water allows you to keep your head and not get too antsy.

  1. The DM Screen 

When I first started playing D&D, I saw the screens of the dungeon master and thought that it was unnecessary. Indeed, when I started DMing, I didn’t use a DM screen. Then I started and I found that it made a huge difference. I saw two primary differences:

  1. My players regarded me more as the DM. I had more authority. Whether this was perceived or not, it doesn’t matter. I like to think of the DM Screen as almost a part of the uniform of the Dungeon Master.
  2. I didn’t have to worry about hiding my notes from my players. When you sit next to your wife while you play as I do, you have to guard the secrets you put on paper. A DM screen takes the temptation away from her. 
  3. Music

Now, I’m generally not a heavy-handed person. Having music is a nice way to both set the mood and also remind your players that it’s Dungeons and Dragons time. It’s really nice to be able to turn the music up when players get distracted or start having side conversations. Rather than cutting the immersion when you ask your players to stop, you simply amplify the music volume and they get the hint. It’s also great for just setting the mood in general. A must-have.

  1. Tabletop Minis

I like D&D because it transitions from hyper-regulated combat to very fluid roleplaying. Having minis takes a lot of the guesswork out of combat and can make it a lot more visual. That said, it can be used as a crutch and should be used judiciously. You should also explore options for trying it in other ways.


  1. A Great Seat/Proper Height Table: 
  2. You will be at the table for a while. You will want to enjoy the whole time. Nothing can ruin your experience like a bad seat that does not have a back, or one that does not encourage proper posture. Further, if you like to stand up and walk around the table, you don’t want a table that is so low that you are bending below the waste to reach it (picture coffee table).
  3. Dice, and Extra Dice
  4. You are supposed to be the fastest of all the people there. While dice rolling software is nice, you need one that is either user-friendly (read: tablet) or you need a lot of actual dice that are organized and close at hand.



Thanks again for being with us on this awesome journey. Justin and I have learned so much and we are continually learning. We’re going to put out ever better content and help you tell the greatest stories the world has ever known. We’ll be back next week to help you do just that, but until then, let’s go ahead and roll the initiative.


[justin_lewis] 00:00:02

welcome back to how to be a better d m let's jump in with our

[justin_lewis] 00:00:06

warm up today and tanner is actually going to give me a warm up so

[justin_lewis] 00:00:10

let's let's go ahead and jump in

[tanner_weyland] 00:00:11

let's do it okay mine is it's pretty simple pretty open decided to go with

[tanner_weyland] 00:00:19

a broader warm up here so let's say that you only had an our prepare

[tanner_weyland] 00:00:25

a session for some friends who hadn't played d and d let's say they're over

[tanner_weyland] 00:00:29

at your house and you're talking about d and d you're talking about this podcast

[tanner_weyland] 00:00:32

and they're like we've never played and you know

[justin_lewis] 00:00:35


[tanner_weyland] 00:00:35

that you don't have all that much time if you were in that position what

[tanner_weyland] 00:00:39

would the simple premise of that one hour session be

[justin_lewis] 00:00:45

that is a really good question so i've actually kind of been thinking about i've

[justin_lewis] 00:00:52

started making something kind of along these lines of like the perfect intro ucxtury uh

[justin_lewis] 00:00:58

one shot for new dams new players this isn't my answer my answer would just

[justin_lewis] 00:01:06

be like a tavern brawl simple

[tanner_weyland] 00:01:07


[justin_lewis] 00:01:08

effective but this more interesting answer i would call it a dungeon and a dragon

[justin_lewis] 00:01:14

and the premises you and your group walk into a town and you're looking for

[justin_lewis] 00:01:18

work and you're told to meet a mysterious stranger in these woods next to this

[justin_lewis] 00:01:24

large landmark and you get there and you hear a loud voice and you turn

[justin_lewis] 00:01:31

around and behind the landmark pops out a large copper dragon and obviously you and

[justin_lewis] 00:01:36

your companions are like who we we can't fight a dragon in her and dragon

[justin_lewis] 00:01:40

says hold on i need you to do something for me i need you to

[justin_lewis] 00:01:45

go in to this cave and clear out some monsters go into my dungeon and

[justin_lewis] 00:01:50

clear out some monsters on want you to do it because frankly i'm lazy i

[justin_lewis] 00:01:54

have gotten used to a life of luxury and you can see the dragon is

[justin_lewis] 00:01:58

actually somewhat portly

[tanner_weyland] 00:02:00


[justin_lewis] 00:02:01

and then you go into the dungeon and you simply fight maybe one or two

[justin_lewis] 00:02:05

levels down and then you go out and the dragon gives you some gold and

[justin_lewis] 00:02:09

it's kind of a nice fun almost cheeky way introducing you to dungeons and dragons

[justin_lewis] 00:02:14

with a dungeon and a dragon

[tanner_weyland] 00:02:16

i love it i love it yeah it's great too

[justin_lewis] 00:02:18


[tanner_weyland] 00:02:18

because it jumps

[justin_lewis] 00:02:20


[tanner_weyland] 00:02:20

right into the fantasy aspect gives them a quest

[justin_lewis] 00:02:23


[tanner_weyland] 00:02:23

right from the beginning you

[justin_lewis] 00:02:25


[tanner_weyland] 00:02:25

know because i feel like a lot of people who don't know their way and

[tanner_weyland] 00:02:28

d n d don't know about you know tabletop role playing that much they might

[tanner_weyland] 00:02:33

not understand the whole the freedom of it and so it's nice to kind

[justin_lewis] 00:02:37


[tanner_weyland] 00:02:37

of in a way be like hey don't worry about the freedom right at the

[tanner_weyland] 00:02:41

start i'm going to give you the quest with this dragon flying and being like

[tanner_weyland] 00:02:44

sup here's what i want you

[justin_lewis] 00:02:46


[tanner_weyland] 00:02:46

to do you know

[justin_lewis] 00:02:48

you almost need to railroad them into the maze and then once they're in the

[justin_lewis] 00:02:52

maze you let them have free rein because

[tanner_weyland] 00:02:54


[justin_lewis] 00:02:54

they can't get out of the maze without solving it

[tanner_weyland] 00:02:56

exactly great love it are you feeling warmed up feeling good

[justin_lewis] 00:03:02

feeling loose feeling good i'm ready

[tanner_weyland] 00:03:04

perfect well honestly it's going to be a great episode today and so for you

[tanner_weyland] 00:03:10

listeners welcome back to how to be a better dam my name is tanner land

[tanner_weyland] 00:03:15

and i'm here with justin lewis my good friend

[justin_lewis] 00:03:19


[tanner_weyland] 00:03:19

he's waiving you can't see it

[justin_lewis] 00:03:20


[tanner_weyland] 00:03:21


[justin_lewis] 00:03:21


[tanner_weyland] 00:03:23


[justin_lewis] 00:03:23


[tanner_weyland] 00:03:23

anyway together we learn how to weave better stories for your players so that everybody

[tanner_weyland] 00:03:29

can have a wonderful time and that starts

[justin_lewis] 00:03:32


[tanner_weyland] 00:03:32

with you as the dungeon master we're specifically focusing on d and d fifth edition

[tanner_weyland] 00:03:40

and we're excited

[justin_lewis] 00:03:41


[tanner_weyland] 00:03:41

to take that next step on that

[justin_lewis] 00:03:43


[tanner_weyland] 00:03:43

on that road to being a high level dungeon master today so before

[justin_lewis] 00:03:47


[tanner_weyland] 00:03:47

we get to the main topic we have a couple housekeeping items slash things that

[tanner_weyland] 00:03:51

we're psyche

[justin_lewis] 00:03:52


[tanner_weyland] 00:03:52

about to talk about

[justin_lewis] 00:03:54


[tanner_weyland] 00:03:54

first off a huge thank you to our good friend anna craven she actually was

[tanner_weyland] 00:04:02

in a couple of our one shots and then she sent out of the blue

[tanner_weyland] 00:04:07

really from the kindness of her heart sent to justin and i an amazing gift

[tanner_weyland] 00:04:12

it's these handcrafted notebook covers with the design of a dungeon on the front kind

[tanner_weyland] 00:04:17

of like a grid in all these different rooms it looks amazing it's going to

[tanner_weyland] 00:04:21

be the perfect dungeon journal honestly we love them we're going to use the crap

[tanner_weyland] 00:04:26

out of them

[justin_lewis] 00:04:27

m h

[tanner_weyland] 00:04:28


[justin_lewis] 00:04:28


[tanner_weyland] 00:04:29


[justin_lewis] 00:04:29


[tanner_weyland] 00:04:29

you so much anna we're gonna be posting pictures of them instagram in fact but

[tanner_weyland] 00:04:37

yeah we really appreciate that otherwise the next reminder is that we're going to be

[tanner_weyland] 00:04:43

doing our once a quarter one shots now as you know in the past we

[tanner_weyland] 00:04:49

tried to do him every month we felt like our we could produce better one

[tanner_weyland] 00:04:55

shot adventures if they were once

[justin_lewis] 00:04:56


[tanner_weyland] 00:04:57

a quarter so if you haven't had a chant sign up for them as you

[tanner_weyland] 00:05:02

know we send out a news letter and there's actually a link on that to

[tanner_weyland] 00:05:06

sign up for the one shot so definitely sign up for that anything else justin

[justin_lewis] 00:05:15

um i would say we haven't scheduled the date for the one shot quite yet

[justin_lewis] 00:05:21

we're going to nail that down and probably let you know on the next podcast

[justin_lewis] 00:05:25

episode but we had someone sign up today for that one shot so seriously if

[justin_lewis] 00:05:31

you you know if you don't get a chance to do it then i can't

[justin_lewis] 00:05:34

help you so it's first come for serve so try and be the first people

[justin_lewis] 00:05:37

there you know

[tanner_weyland] 00:05:38

yeah and and the good news is if we can't get you in on this

[tanner_weyland] 00:05:41

one we always try and get you in on a on a future one so

[tanner_weyland] 00:05:47

get excited but anyway let's

[justin_lewis] 00:05:49


[tanner_weyland] 00:05:49

move on to the main topic today we're talking about dungeon master essentials and this

[tanner_weyland] 00:05:55

this just to kind of set the framework here everything that that we're going to

[tanner_weyland] 00:06:04

be talking about is like what is absolutely necessary um specifically we're not talking about

[tanner_weyland] 00:06:12

nice to have you know not talking about table tops where the screen is inlaid

[tanner_weyland] 00:06:18

and also it's a halo gram or anything like that

[justin_lewis] 00:06:21


[tanner_weyland] 00:06:21

right we're going to be talking

[justin_lewis] 00:06:23

ah yeah

[tanner_weyland] 00:06:23

specifically about about things that for us we feel like is necessary for dem to

[tanner_weyland] 00:06:30

have so that they and their players have specifically them mostly because you got to

[tanner_weyland] 00:06:35

think about yourself sometimes so that you feel like

[justin_lewis] 00:06:38


[tanner_weyland] 00:06:39


[justin_lewis] 00:06:39


[tanner_weyland] 00:06:39

going to have a great session let's start with you

[justin_lewis] 00:06:43


[tanner_weyland] 00:06:43


[justin_lewis] 00:06:45

yeah so for me the very most essential thing for a high grade dungeon master

[justin_lewis] 00:06:54

is water sitting at the dungeon master well the d m table can be very

[justin_lewis] 00:06:58

tiring especially if you aren't properly hydrated and for me if you spend you know

[justin_lewis] 00:07:03

you spend the entire session talking and naturally you're goin to need water you're going

[justin_lewis] 00:07:08

to be parched personally i found that water does the best because you know other

[justin_lewis] 00:07:13

beverages let sugar or flavor get in the way and sometimes i can kind of

[justin_lewis] 00:07:18

be distracting obviously you can splurge here and there i found that water is just

[justin_lewis] 00:07:22

the best thing to kind of keep your head straight and not get too anse

[justin_lewis] 00:07:26

just help you stay focused on the game so that's my take on water

[tanner_weyland] 00:07:31

agreed one hundred percent water is technically my favorite drink in the world

[justin_lewis] 00:07:36


[tanner_weyland] 00:07:37

and i'm not even

[justin_lewis] 00:07:37


[tanner_weyland] 00:07:38

lying my wife thinks i thinks i'm crazy that's fine let them laugh but

[justin_lewis] 00:07:43


[tanner_weyland] 00:07:43

anyway i think that

[justin_lewis] 00:07:44


[tanner_weyland] 00:07:44

water is just

[justin_lewis] 00:07:44


[tanner_weyland] 00:07:45

if you don't have it you're just going to get parched and you talk so

[tanner_weyland] 00:07:48

much as a dam like what are you doing if you don't have enough water

[tanner_weyland] 00:07:51

at the table um

[justin_lewis] 00:07:53

h m

[tanner_weyland] 00:07:54

you kind of something else that feels very basic but for me it means all

[tanner_weyland] 00:08:00

the world like about how session goes especially when it comes to like a good

[tanner_weyland] 00:08:06

you know three or four hours session even a two hours session or one you

[tanner_weyland] 00:08:10

know uh having a good seat and our tea it's just so important now what

[tanner_weyland] 00:08:18

do i mean by that i mean if you're going to be sitting there you

[tanner_weyland] 00:08:22

don't want to be hunched you don't want to feel like you can't lean back

[tanner_weyland] 00:08:27

so i'm going to say that having a stool might not be the best option

[tanner_weyland] 00:08:31

if you're the kind of

[justin_lewis] 00:08:32


[tanner_weyland] 00:08:32

and who gets a lot of tension in your back and

[justin_lewis] 00:08:34


[tanner_weyland] 00:08:34

you don't want to lean you know and if you're having a set on a

[tanner_weyland] 00:08:37

stool you don't have the option to kind of relax during times when maybe maybe

[tanner_weyland] 00:08:42

the players are talking or you know when gathering your thoughts um and conversely let's

[tanner_weyland] 00:08:48

say you're the kind of person who doesn't sit a whole ot you know there's

[tanner_weyland] 00:08:50

a lot of dams who like the kind of vacillate between sitting and walking around

[tanner_weyland] 00:08:56

the table

[justin_lewis] 00:08:57


[tanner_weyland] 00:08:57

kind of like using their hands a whole lot right so with them

[justin_lewis] 00:09:01


[tanner_weyland] 00:09:02

with the people standing i don't think that a coffee table would be a great

[tanner_weyland] 00:09:07

option for you to be frank right and i've played around a coffee table it's

[tanner_weyland] 00:09:11

you know you sit on the

[justin_lewis] 00:09:12


[tanner_weyland] 00:09:12

floor sat on the couch

[justin_lewis] 00:09:13


[tanner_weyland] 00:09:15

you know sit up when you need to move your your many but but i

[tanner_weyland] 00:09:19

think that for d m s that's like okay if you're bending below the waist

[tanner_weyland] 00:09:23

to move things around that puts a lost strain on your back you're not comfortable

[tanner_weyland] 00:09:27

um i think that as far as essential s it's one that gets overlooked

[justin_lewis] 00:09:34

i agree and just to hammer in the point of this is really based on

[justin_lewis] 00:09:39

your damning style i've played with people that absolutely refuse to use mines and things

[justin_lewis] 00:09:46

like that in those cases clip boards and couch was perfect because you know they

[justin_lewis] 00:09:52

had a coffee table where we could stand and grab the ice and throw but

[justin_lewis] 00:09:56

we were all really comfortable and things like that but for me you know i

[justin_lewis] 00:09:59

need a chair that i can stand up and sit down in it's comfortable both

[justin_lewis] 00:10:02

ways so i couldn't agree more this one is not so basic it's kind of

[justin_lewis] 00:10:10

i guess like a step above basic is music for me and and generally i'm

[justin_lewis] 00:10:15

not a heavy handed person but one way that i like to use music is

[justin_lewis] 00:10:20

both to set the mood but also to remind the players that it's dungeons and

[justin_lewis] 00:10:24

dragons time

[tanner_weyland] 00:10:25


[justin_lewis] 00:10:26

and what i mean by that is you know it's really nice to be able

[justin_lewis] 00:10:29

to slowly turn the music up to annoying levels when certain players get distracted and

[justin_lewis] 00:10:33

start having conversations on the side once they can't really talk to each other because

[justin_lewis] 00:10:38

the music is so loud you can turn that back down and they're focused on

[justin_lewis] 00:10:41

you rather than cutting through the immersion and saying hey we're playing dandy can you

[justin_lewis] 00:10:46

guys stop you know it's nice to just turn up the music slowly until you

[justin_lewis] 00:10:51

get to the point where they do stop but again it's it's also really im

[justin_lewis] 00:10:54

and to set the mood but i like it that other way as well

[tanner_weyland] 00:10:57

yeah and even just to show that it works outside of d and d as

[tanner_weyland] 00:11:02

well i've bent a few different you know training seminars just you know motivations of

[tanner_weyland] 00:11:08

like various different kinds of things and they'll do that often right if they do

[tanner_weyland] 00:11:12

a break they'll turn on music

[justin_lewis] 00:11:15


[tanner_weyland] 00:11:16

or if

[justin_lewis] 00:11:16


[tanner_weyland] 00:11:16

they're trying to like you know some of the cheesier ones sorry maybe it's not

[tanner_weyland] 00:11:20

cheesy maybe i'm just

[justin_lewis] 00:11:21


[tanner_weyland] 00:11:21

bitter uh

[justin_lewis] 00:11:22


[tanner_weyland] 00:11:23

like some of them will do it like this rising soaring music in the bay

[tanner_weyland] 00:11:28

ground when they're really making their point right uh

[justin_lewis] 00:11:31


[tanner_weyland] 00:11:31

but oftentimes like they will do intermissions with music so that people know like hey

[tanner_weyland] 00:11:36

it's good and then when the music stops then that's like hey something is going

[tanner_weyland] 00:11:41

on for you know you can do it in reverse too if you want like

[tanner_weyland] 00:11:47

let's say that you're trying to get ready for a thing your players are just

[tanner_weyland] 00:11:51

kind lucy goose and you're like him going to be introducing a major villain or

[tanner_weyland] 00:11:55

a major plot point you know or n p c there hasn't been music and

[tanner_weyland] 00:12:00

then suddenly you just turn the music up slowly and then that's like okay of

[tanner_weyland] 00:12:05

course they're going to be listening you know

[justin_lewis] 00:12:08

yeah i especially like it when like the music accidentally like creates this awesome epic

[justin_lewis] 00:12:15

moment where you're like and that's when they come and then there's this crash and

[justin_lewis] 00:12:18

everyone's like whoa

[tanner_weyland] 00:12:19


[justin_lewis] 00:12:20

it's just kind of super serendipitous but it happens all the time it's great

[tanner_weyland] 00:12:23

yeah exactly okay so mine and this is again something that i feel like is

[tanner_weyland] 00:12:31

very basic but you got to think about is dice

[justin_lewis] 00:12:34


[tanner_weyland] 00:12:34

you know i've mentioned

[justin_lewis] 00:12:35


[tanner_weyland] 00:12:35

it before and i'll keep saying if you're not ready with enough dice uh yeah

[tanner_weyland] 00:12:41

you can try and blame the players but you're the d m i mean you're

[tanner_weyland] 00:12:45

you're supposed to be the one who's bringing the most of the table you signed

[tanner_weyland] 00:12:49

up for it and i think having extra dice

[justin_lewis] 00:12:51


[tanner_weyland] 00:12:51

the few friends that i've

[justin_lewis] 00:12:53


[tanner_weyland] 00:12:53

had to have

[justin_lewis] 00:12:54


[tanner_weyland] 00:12:54

you know been courageous enough to d m they all have extra dice and and

[tanner_weyland] 00:12:59

it's for a good reason it's because players

[justin_lewis] 00:13:02


[tanner_weyland] 00:13:02

need it and it's also because to be frank i don't know if justin you

[tanner_weyland] 00:13:07

probably used a few online dice rolling software programs

[justin_lewis] 00:13:11


[tanner_weyland] 00:13:11


[justin_lewis] 00:13:13


[tanner_weyland] 00:13:13

some of them can be kind of lucky you know

[justin_lewis] 00:13:16


[tanner_weyland] 00:13:16


[justin_lewis] 00:13:17


[tanner_weyland] 00:13:18

it takes forever to do it and especially when you i mean is the d

[tanner_weyland] 00:13:22

m you're supposed to be the fastest one at the table you know as

[justin_lewis] 00:13:26


[tanner_weyland] 00:13:26

much as we want players to be snappy with their decisions

[justin_lewis] 00:13:28


[tanner_weyland] 00:13:30

d m has no excuse

[justin_lewis] 00:13:31


[tanner_weyland] 00:13:31

so it's it's one of those things where it's like hey

[justin_lewis] 00:13:34


[tanner_weyland] 00:13:35

if you can't find software like on abet or some kind of way where you

[tanner_weyland] 00:13:39

can quickly roll dies like that just have so many dikes and have them organized

[tanner_weyland] 00:13:45

so that you can just you know whip out rolls very quickly without honestly having

[tanner_weyland] 00:13:51

to stall the game

[justin_lewis] 00:13:54

for sure in fact in my last one shot i had to stop using the

[justin_lewis] 00:13:59

digital dice roller because it was giving me a lot of advantages not not like

[justin_lewis] 00:14:05

advantage in the game but i was just rolling really really high and it was

[justin_lewis] 00:14:10

uncharacteristic so i had

[tanner_weyland] 00:14:12


[justin_lewis] 00:14:12

to i had to switch

[tanner_weyland] 00:14:13

you had to get your own diet tape a penny

[justin_lewis] 00:14:16


[tanner_weyland] 00:14:16

to one side just to make sure it was

[justin_lewis] 00:14:18


[tanner_weyland] 00:14:18

uneven on purpose

[justin_lewis] 00:14:21

exactly exactly but the next one i have and actually have two more is the

[justin_lewis] 00:14:27

d m screen now when i first started playing d and d as a player

[tanner_weyland] 00:14:30


[justin_lewis] 00:14:31

i saw the screens that the dungeon star or dungeon masters were using and i

[justin_lewis] 00:14:34

thought you know that's kind of unnecessary ended up playing with another group where he

[justin_lewis] 00:14:37

didn't use a screen and i think it might have been just because the table

[justin_lewis] 00:14:40

was too small or something but then when i started damming i thought the same

[justin_lewis] 00:14:45

thing i thought it was not useful so i didn't and actually didn't have one

[justin_lewis] 00:14:49

that was probably why didn't think it was useful but then i got one and

[justin_lewis] 00:14:52

i started using it and i found two major differences improvements in how i played

[justin_lewis] 00:14:58

number one is my players kind of regarded me a little bit more as the

[justin_lewis] 00:15:03

d m i had i seem to have more authority you know whether the was

[justin_lewis] 00:15:07

perceived or not doesn't matter in fact i like to think of the dungeon master

[justin_lewis] 00:15:11

screen is almost kind of like a part of the dungeon master uniform that helps

[justin_lewis] 00:15:16

you get into to roll and the second thing that improved is obviously i didn't

[justin_lewis] 00:15:21

have to worry about hiding my notes from my players i sit next to my

[justin_lewis] 00:15:24


[justin_lewis] 00:15:28

and i love her naturally but she's also very curious and her eyes wander and

[justin_lewis] 00:15:36

having a d m screen takes that temptation away from her and it doesn't doesn't

[justin_lewis] 00:15:40

allow me to get mad at for seeing things that i wrote down that were

[justin_lewis] 00:15:43

supposed to be secret so if you if you haven't thought about getting a dungeon

[justin_lewis] 00:15:46

master screen i would highly recommend you know just trying it out

[tanner_weyland] 00:15:51

yeah absolutely i think i think some people know if you're the type that has

[tanner_weyland] 00:15:57

like two lap tops in front of you you know maybe that actually is

[justin_lewis] 00:16:01


[tanner_weyland] 00:16:01

your dungeon master screen either way you need some

[justin_lewis] 00:16:03


[tanner_weyland] 00:16:04

you need some space whether that's

[justin_lewis] 00:16:07


[tanner_weyland] 00:16:07

you know being

[justin_lewis] 00:16:08


[tanner_weyland] 00:16:09

further away like everybody

[justin_lewis] 00:16:10


[tanner_weyland] 00:16:10

scrunched to the other side of the table or whatever but the dungeon master screen

[tanner_weyland] 00:16:13

is probably one of the most space efficient ways to do it and it's functional

[tanner_weyland] 00:16:18

because it's got like rules

[justin_lewis] 00:16:19


[tanner_weyland] 00:16:19

and different tables and stuff it so get it

[justin_lewis] 00:16:23

sure for sure uh then my next one is tabletop minnies and i know this

[justin_lewis] 00:16:29

is kind of an incendiary topic like i said there are people out there who

[justin_lewis] 00:16:33

only prefer theater of the mind you people are much more cerebrally gifted than i

[justin_lewis] 00:16:39

am i am not smart enough to know how to describe things in such a

[justin_lewis] 00:16:43

way that my players understand spacially exactly where they stand d but i actually like

[justin_lewis] 00:16:49

d and d because it transitions between you know hyper regulated combat to very fluid

[justin_lewis] 00:16:56

role playing of theater of the mind you know and having mines for me takes

[justin_lewis] 00:17:00

a lot of the guess work out of combat and makes it a little bit

[justin_lewis] 00:17:03

more visual and because combat is so um touch and go it matters who goes

[justin_lewis] 00:17:09

when and how far away you are and those things can make big differences in

[justin_lewis] 00:17:14

combat i find it is important to have mines or visual representations at scale so

[justin_lewis] 00:17:20

that way they can see and they can understand the stakes and you can make

[justin_lewis] 00:17:24

things a little bit more um i guess closer the encounters don't have to be

[justin_lewis] 00:17:28

so obviously won or lost but that said i do recognize that having mines can

[justin_lewis] 00:17:33

be a crutch and should be used judiciously you should also explore options for trying

[justin_lewis] 00:17:38

you know other opt other ways of doing combat you know theater of their mind

[justin_lewis] 00:17:42

or using less isticated visual representations but for me having that there is a must

[tanner_weyland] 00:17:50

yeah yeah absolutely and it kind of speaks to a bigger a bigger need which

[tanner_weyland] 00:17:57

is to make your games more visual right let's say you are someone that

[justin_lewis] 00:18:00


[tanner_weyland] 00:18:00


[justin_lewis] 00:18:01


[tanner_weyland] 00:18:01

use mines i would still recommend that you find some like pictures you know like

[tanner_weyland] 00:18:06

maybe you've got your lap or or whatever connect to screen then it's like t

[tanner_weyland] 00:18:12

v screen and you could like put up a picture of this of the the

[tanner_weyland] 00:18:17

m p c that they're running into or like you

[justin_lewis] 00:18:20


[tanner_weyland] 00:18:20

know there's so many beautiful fantasy backgrounds or just kind of like uh scene scapes

[tanner_weyland] 00:18:28

and it's a great way to paint a picture so so minnies are kind of

[tanner_weyland] 00:18:32

heart and soul

[justin_lewis] 00:18:32


[tanner_weyland] 00:18:32

of that ere it's like hey make it as visual as you can and your

[tanner_weyland] 00:18:37

players will be more into it

[justin_lewis] 00:18:40

for sure and actually one bonus that just came to my mind is light control

[justin_lewis] 00:18:47

being able to control the amount of light that enters your game space as well

[justin_lewis] 00:18:52

as if possible the color and brightness where we play there's too many windows and

[justin_lewis] 00:19:00

not enough curtains so if we're playing in the middle of the day it's it

[justin_lewis] 00:19:04

feels like it's middle of the day but if you could try and play in

[justin_lewis] 00:19:07

a basement with very few windows or close them up and then be able to

[justin_lewis] 00:19:11

dim lights and things like that that goes back to setting the mood i think

[justin_lewis] 00:19:14

that is essential to creating the perfect gaming situation so just a little bonus went

[justin_lewis] 00:19:20


[tanner_weyland] 00:19:21

agreed agreed i love it yeah so those are some i'm sure you can think

[justin_lewis] 00:19:27


[tanner_weyland] 00:19:27

of other essentials but as far as it goes i think that those are great

[justin_lewis] 00:19:32


[tanner_weyland] 00:19:32


[justin_lewis] 00:19:33


[tanner_weyland] 00:19:33

buddy who's you know

[justin_lewis] 00:19:35


[tanner_weyland] 00:19:35

and here's one thing worth noting the things we just mentioned aren't crazy hard to

[tanner_weyland] 00:19:41

get you know uh and yet they can change the game in fundamental ways and

[tanner_weyland] 00:19:46

so if you're trying to get more serious you know buying some extra dice that

[tanner_weyland] 00:19:51

d m screen uh finding like you know grabbing your little i don't know alexa

[tanner_weyland] 00:19:57

or some other kind of thing

[justin_lewis] 00:19:59


[tanner_weyland] 00:19:59

and learning how to

[justin_lewis] 00:20:00


[tanner_weyland] 00:20:00

play some music are all things that probably only take not too long you know

[tanner_weyland] 00:20:06

half an hour online at most to get all of those or look up how

[tanner_weyland] 00:20:10

to do it right and it can change everything

[justin_lewis] 00:20:13


[tanner_weyland] 00:20:14

uh so

[justin_lewis] 00:20:14


[tanner_weyland] 00:20:14

let's go last thoughts from you justin go

[justin_lewis] 00:20:20

my last thoughts are a dungeon master is simple it's not easy but it's simple

[justin_lewis] 00:20:29

in reality there were story tellers eons ago who were passing along story just with

[justin_lewis] 00:20:37

their mind and their voice that's essentially what being a dungeon master is except we've

[justin_lewis] 00:20:42

added rules to it and made kind of a two part system in essence to

[justin_lewis] 00:20:49

have a good dungeon master session or a session of d and you only need

[justin_lewis] 00:20:53

friends something to write down or record what's happening and rules that everyone agrees to

[justin_lewis] 00:20:58

you those are the like bare minimum not even a skeleton just like the idea

[justin_lewis] 00:21:03

of a game that's all you need but everything else just adds layers of greatness

[justin_lewis] 00:21:08

on to your game and these these are excellent tools and in my opinion essential

[justin_lewis] 00:21:13

to having not just a great game but a superb game at least in my

[justin_lewis] 00:21:16


[tanner_weyland] 00:21:17

yeah yeah and that even

[justin_lewis] 00:21:19


[tanner_weyland] 00:21:20

you were mentioning how back in the day you know storytellers would do that and

[tanner_weyland] 00:21:24

the great thing about d and d that makes it such an awesome you know

[tanner_weyland] 00:21:27

adventure and journey for players and dim is the fact that it's i mean i'm

[tanner_weyland] 00:21:33

kind of blinking on other examples but it might be one of the first collaborative

[tanner_weyland] 00:21:38

story telling experiences you know in the modern age and possibly for older ones

[justin_lewis] 00:21:43


[tanner_weyland] 00:21:43

like i frankly don't know but

[justin_lewis] 00:21:46


[tanner_weyland] 00:21:46

it's it's amazing and

[justin_lewis] 00:21:48


[tanner_weyland] 00:21:48

we really just

[justin_lewis] 00:21:49


[tanner_weyland] 00:21:49

want to thank all your listeners for being on this journey with us to be

[tanner_weyland] 00:21:54

better dmsuh so justin and i have learned so much and we're continually learning and

[tanner_weyland] 00:22:01

we look forward to putting out even better content to help you and ourselves to

[tanner_weyland] 00:22:06

even better stories we'll be here next week so until then let's go ahead and

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